Inter Caetera

About the blog

"Qui fidelis est in minimo, et in majori fidelis est."

Inter Caetera (Latin: Among other works) is a blog about web development, quality, philosophy, discovery, religion and the humanities. The purpose of this blog is to document my journey in trying to reconcile the humanities with the world of software engineering, to show how certain principles of this field, seemingly innovative, have actually been known for hundreds or even thousands of years. This blog takes its name from the 1493 papal bull Inter Caetera issued by Alexander VI one year after the discovery of the New World.

About the author

I am a software engineer, husband, father, artist, writer, musician, traveller, aspiring teacher, generalist. I am self-taught in everything I know and do, having taken no specialised formal education in any academic institution. Everything on this blog is my own personal opinion, unless indicated otherwise, and should be considered as such.

In terms of software engineering, my primary technology of choice is JavaScript with React and Node.js. I am fortunate enough to work with these technologies in my full time job, as well as in many private and open-source projects. I also enjoy tinkering with Elixir and other functional programming languages.

Since 2017 I've been a Roman Catholic. I do my best to follow the Rule of Saint Benedict in my private and professional life. My other big influence is the 1974 book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

I currently reside in Poland. I speak fluent Polish and English, as well as have basic understanding of Modern Greek and Latin. In my spare time I walk, read, write, code, play and travel.

I can semi-capably play the guitar and piano, I used to dabble with music composition and published one full album and a number of singles. I have also written one fiction book.

If you want to get in touch with me, email [email protected].

About the logo

The logo depicts the capital Greek letter delta (Δ) broken along the the upper left edge. It symbolizes reluctance to change for the sake of change and attachment to tradition.